
EP 48: Evidence-Based Care of Chronic Back Pain with Dan Rothenberg

Myotherapy Association Australia Season 3 Episode 48

Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. Today we welcome Dan Rothenberg to the podcast. 

Daniel Rothenberg is a Sports Chiropractor and Strength & Conditioning Coach who is passionate about helping people with chronic pain rebuild their body so they can get back to feeling confident and regain their health and longevity.  Dan owns Scope Sports Injury & Exercise Clinic, which he opened to be able to help people with pain & injury make a full recovery by creating highly effective treatment & rehab plans, providing a clear diagnosis, an optimistic recovery strategy and by helping his patients return to exercise & meaningful activities.

Dan is based in Brisbane with his clinic in Ipswich and is here to talk to us about providing high value care for his patients through evidence based care of chronic back pain.