The Myotherapy Association Australia began life as Myotherapy Association of Victoria. As an emerging health profession, the popularity of myotherapy as a valuable career pathway in health sciences meant the association quickly identified the need for graduates and practitioners nationally for peak body representation. Today, the Myotherapy Association Australia are Australia’s only industry association dedicated solely to the needs of myotherapists and myotherapy profession. In essence, myotherapists help people in pain to move better and live their best life.
50 episodes
Ep 49 - Management of Dysfunctional Exercise Habits & Eating Disorders
Today we are focusing on the relationship between exercise, movement and eating disorders and how this may present clinically with physiotherapist, Rebecca Gawler. In particular, we discuss how to assess, support and refer clients who exhibit s...
Season 3
Episode 49

EP 48: Evidence-Based Care of Chronic Back Pain with Dan Rothenberg
Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. Today we welcome Dan Rothenberg to the podcast. Daniel Rothenberg is a Sports Chiropractor and Strength & Conditioning Coach who is passionate about helping people with chronic pain reb...
Season 3
Episode 48

EP 47 - Pelvic Health with Marnie Poiner
Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. Today we are focusing on pelvic health with Marnie Poiner, a Brisbane based Physiotherapist and the director of The Healthy Peach Physio. Marnie treats a variety of pelvic health condition...
Season 2
Episode 47

EP 46 - The simple guide to insurance with BMS
Insurance is often a topic we ignore because it isn’t the “fun” part of business. However, it is a vital part of insuring safe and informed practices. We are joined by BMS to get into the nitty gritty of your insurances. This episode touches on...

EP 48: You don't know what you don't know in small business.
Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. This podcast is with Catherine Doonan from COSBOA (Council of Small Business Organisations Australia). Throughout her career, Catherine has been dedicated to bringing together varied groups—government ...
Season 2
Episode 48

Episode 45 - The Evolution of Mwax
MWax is proudly Australian owned and has supported the therapy and sports profession markets for over 19 years. Renee, Brad and their team put their experience in the manual therapy industry, their ideas and knowledge into creating the perfect ...
Season 3
Episode 45

Episode 44 MyoMatters - The history of OPC with James McQuie
In this episode, we have James McQuie, the General Manager of OPC here to talk to us. OPC are one of our proud partners for 2024 and we can’t wait to hear what James has in store for us today. James joined OPC Health or Orthotic &a...
Season 3
Episode 44

Episode 43 MyoMatters - The science of a spotless clinic
Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. Today we are focusing on all things hygiene, the good, the bad and the ugly. Meet Ibrahim Samaan, the visionary Ahpra-registered physiotherapist behind Purifas — a groundbreaking healthcare compa...
Season 3
Episode 43

Episode 42 MyoMatters - Key Factors Relating to Physical Health
Dr Calum Downie (PhD) is a highly qualified and experienced presenter in areas included ageing, exercise, anatomy, and biomechanics. He has more than 19 years’ experience in the fitness industry and has spent over 17 years in the education of e...
Season 3
Episode 42

Episode 41 MyoMatters - The Evolution of RockTape with Steve Stahl
Steve is a Sports Physiotherapist and has over 20 years of clinical experience. He is a Director of RockTape in Australia and is the lead instructor for the Australasian team of RockTape instructors. Steve owns and runs the Waurn Ponds clinic o...
Season 3
Episode 41

Episode 40 MyoMatters - Scar Tissue Healing with Madelaine Longrigg
Madelaine is a Mother, a Myotherapist and a Personal Trainer who is passionate about women’s health.With over a decade of experience in women’s health, Madelaine initially began her journey as a personal trainer, specialising in pre and ...
Season 3
Episode 40

Episode 39 MyoMatters - Myotherapy & The Australian Open
Today we chat with Sally Mason from MIMT in Melbourne. Sally has been in private practice and running her own business since 2010. She has been a teacher at MIMT for 10 years and recently worked at the 2024 Australian Open Tennis Tour in Melbou...
Season 3
Episode 39

Ep 38 - Sports versus Clinical Work
Today we are chatting with a powerful Myotherapy duo, who have not only conquered starting and running their own clinic, but have also conquered the elite sporting environment. Aleisha and Celeste from Nxt Level Integrated Health join us today ...
Season 3
Episode 38

Ep 37 Lymphoedema and oedema related pathologies with Sue Butcher
In this episode we chat with Sue Butcher from the Oedema institute. Sue has a career spanning over 20 years and provides educational workshops and training for health professionals in how to best treat and manage lymphoedema and other oedema re...
Season 3
Episode 37

Ep 36 - Meet our emerging Myotherapist of the Year Skye Meredith
Emerging Myotherapist of the year winner Skye Meredith is with us today to talk all things navigating life as a new graduate Myo. Skye recently graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Health Science in Clinical Myotherapy from Torrens University i...
Season 2
Episode 36

EP - 35 Meet our Myotherapist of the Year Jayden Seracino
Join us we chat to our Myotherapy of the Year for 2023 winner Jayden Seracino. Jayden is the owner operator of Myoactive a clinic in Burwood East in Melbourne. Jayden has developed a multimodality clinic that brings together Myotherapy, P...
Season 2
Episode 35

EP 34 - Combining Women's Health & Myotherapy
Her Body Myotherapy & Massage owner Jessica Mazurek is here with us today to talk about all things women’s health and how we as Myotherapists can have a positive impact throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Jessica has a true passion for wom...
Season 2
Episode 34

EP 33 - Embarking on a Myotherapy Career
In this engaging and enlightening episode we sit down with Tim Trevail from Torrens University to dive into the world of the Bachelor of Health Science: Clinical Myotherapy. Tim a seasoned educator in the field of myotherapy and will unravel th...
Season 2
Episode 33

EP 32- The forgotten area: Happy feet means happy health.
The foot collective is a vibrant community and educational platform dedicated to promoting foot health & natural movement. Their mission is to help people reclaim their feet and reconnect with the ground. The Foot Collective provides a weal...
Season 2
Episode 32

EP 31: Trigger points: Are they the chicken or the egg in chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome ? with Jay Shah
This podcast covers all things about trigger points, chronic pain and MPS. In particular we talk about the role of trigger points and are they the chicken or the egg in chronic MPS? We talk with Jay Shah, a Physiatrist and Clinical Investigator...
Season 2
Episode 31

EP 30 - Altering training for female clients for better success with Nicole Saxby
This podcast covers all things about women and training. We talk with Nicole Saxby, an accredited exercise physiologist and pelvic health physiotherapist. We will cover female specific training, injury prevention and the things as clinicians we...
Episode 30

EP 29- Breaking into Podcasts with Jackie Tann
This podcast episode weirdly explores, podcasts. Jackie Tann has worked tirelessly over the years to develop the Bodies Built Better podcast and we explore how practitioners can help expand into the world of podcasting.
Episode 29

EP 28- Hip Pathologies with Bodine Ledden
This podcast episode explores the mechanisms of lateral hip pathologies and how we as clinicals can screen for them within our clinics. Bodine explains the research that supports evidence based outcomes and rehabilitations of lateral hip pathol...
Season 2
Episode 28