The Myotherapy Association Australia began life as Myotherapy Association of Victoria. As an emerging health profession, the popularity of myotherapy as a valuable career pathway in health sciences meant the association quickly identified the need for graduates and practitioners nationally for peak body representation. Today, the Myotherapy Association Australia are Australia’s only industry association dedicated solely to the needs of myotherapists and myotherapy profession. In essence, myotherapists help people in pain to move better and live their best life.
EP 48: You don't know what you don't know in small business.
Welcome to the next episode of MyoMatters. This podcast is with Catherine Doonan from COSBOA (Council of Small Business Organisations Australia). Throughout her career, Catherine has been dedicated to bringing together varied groups—government agencies, industry associations, and business owners—to ensure their voices are central in decision-making processes.
Currently, as Head of Engagement at the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), Catherine advocates for the interests of small businesses across the country. Her work is further enhanced by roles such as co-lead for the Small Business Working Group within the National Cyber Strategy, member of the Independent Expert Panel for Female Entrepreneur Decadal Planning, and participation on the CSCAU Steering Committee, where she collaborates on strengthening cyber awareness and certification for small businesses.